3 Ways To Build A Better Healthcare Video Stack

What’s a healthcare marketer to do? Consumers are eating up video content faster than it can be produced.

Having video lead the way in your content marketing efforts is no longer an option. Healthcare consumers prefer video over text by 4 to 1. And, equally important, Google agrees.

If you need quality video, here are 3 things to focus on, without causing disastrous side effects to your budget.

1. Don’t rely heavily on interviews

Consider short segments that combine animated graphics, still images, voiceovers, kinetic type, music, and stock video or existing B-roll.

This shifts the burden of producing video away from reliance on interviews, which can be hard to schedule and complete. [Plus, when providers change jobs your video content can stay current.]

Example: A health system profile video we assembled with no interviews.

2. Commit to a handful of video profiles

OK, ok, we know we just said to avoid overreliance on interviews.

But trust continues to be the gold standard in building health care brands and video is without question the best way to begin building it before a consumer becomes a patient.

Idea: Thumbnail Videos. Record physicians (and other staff) as they answer one question: Why did you decide on a healthcare career and what do you find rewarding about it?

These can be 30-second segments that humanize your brand by allowing people to hear and see a provider – before they encounter each other in a waiting or examination room. Plus, multiple responses can be edited into one video segment that provides a montage of human faces and voices for the brand.

“I’m-on-a-budget” production pointers: It’s possible to get quality video with an iPhone if you use the right techniques. Always shoot horizontally. Make sure the audio levels are right. Make sure the light is steady and strong; iPhone image sensors don’t handle dramatic light shifts quickly. Or contact us and we can help.

3. Produce 3 “explainer videos” for the right topics

The ability to make complicated things clear reassures consumers of every type. It creates the perception of authority, confidence, and experience. No wonder every facet of the healthcare industry uses explainer videos.

Our two cents: Take a strategic approach. Don’t just start explaining processes, technologies, conditions, diagnoses, and other aspects of your business. Instead, do some research to determine the topics your consumers care about.

For example: A primary care practice.  Any organization in healthcare delivery should 1. Study its website traffic to find out what patients are interested in. 2. Interview front-desk personnel to find out what questions consumers ask when they call. 3. Survey stakeholders via email to rate possible video topics.

Don’t forget: Link to video content in email

There’s data that indicates email response rates can see a 25% uptick when you feature video in subject lines and content. And email marketing still produces the best ROI.

Our advice: drinkcaffeine.

If you’re ready to energize your video content, let us know. We’re always ready to talk.